A little about counselling, therapy & coaching
There are probably as many definitions as there are practitioners. In counselling, there are many different approaches; however, the goal is pretty much always the same: to improve the quality of life for our clients. Broadly speaking, the three main approaches are:
- Humanistic (person-centred / Rogerian) counselling, where a good counsellor-client relationship is paramount. The practitioner is accepting (not necessarily condoning) of the client as a human being, has respect for and is sincere with the client. The counsellor helps the client devise and utilise their own resources and come up with solutions of their own. This is generally a gentle approach where the client develops in their own time.
- Cognitive-behavioural counselling. This is a more directive method, where the thought process of the client is thoroughly examined and challenged in order to help change the client’s behaviour. Less emphasis is placed on the relationship, homework and field-trips may be part of the process. This can be helpful with phobias, irrational thinking, etc.
- Psycho-dynamic counselling. Here we explore the unconscious mind and it’s interaction with our conscious thinking. S. Freud and Carl G. Jung were amongst the founding fathers of Psychoanalysis. Hypnotherapy, NLP and Gestalt Therapy are other models of this kind of counselling.
There are many other models practiced today, expanding and evolving all the time, as we learn more and more about the Human Condition.
This is Telephone counselling for people who cannot get to me or live too far away to make the journey. For this, clients either need to set up a Paypal account on the internet or transfer the fees into my account prior to the sessions. I will not work on promises only, since this hasn’t worked in the past. I am also setting up a Skype service, where clients can work with me via the internet, with or without a camera. This may take a little while to set up, and I will update my website accordingly.
Workshops & Seminars
I have been running workshops since 1992, mostly for other organisations (see above). However, with the help of the internet, I am planning to design a series of workshops which will be advertised here. It would be useful to let me know what your specific needs and wishes are in order to help you move forward.
Here is an evaluation of my work for Wirral Mind:
"Kurt Hampel has worked sessionally for Wirral Mind for a period of over 8 years. He has provided training courses and workshops on a variety of topics, mainly concerned with personal and family development, relationships and recovery. We have always seen Kurt as a valuable member of our training team. He has been commissioned frequently over the years, as the standard of his training is very high and his effect on participants is often profound and long lasting. His participant’s evaluations are constantly high. He has also developed his portfolio of training over the years, which has played an important part in Wirral Mind’s developing programme of recovery opportunities. We hope to continue to work with Kurt for many years to come."
Some may think I’m blowing my own trumpet here, but I’m truly proud of myself, my work and achievements, especially because I know where I come from and how grim my world appeared to be at the time. There are also a lot of practitioners out there who just don’t cut the mustard; I have had more than 10 therapists in my time, only 3 of them were any good at all.
I frequently work with people who had previous counselling experiences, and I sometimes wonder who these counsellors are (Anger management: count to 10, that’ll be 25 quid, thank you very much! Count to 20, that’ll be 50 quid.) Worst so far was a woman who was told that sleeping with her therapist was the way to enlightenment. She didn’t. I shiver!!! For me, proof of the pudding is the fact that most of my clients are referrals from previous ones who were clearly satisfied with my services.
I experience my work as truly fascinating, absorbing and empowering. I cannot think of another profession where I would find such a close connection between individuals. I feel extremely privileged to be trusted to such an extent that people bare their souls before me, a complete stranger, and are prepared to step outside their comfort zone in order to make a difference. I have the deepest respect for my clients, knowing they already have everything on board they need for a better life, but not necessarily in the right order.
I keep clean practice for my own sake by dealing with my own issues, personally by having my own therapist, professionally by having good quality supervision and adhering to the guidelines of the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy).
I love my work and can’t think of anything I’d rather do for a living. My work has helped me to improve my life tremendously, and I do as I ‘preach’, I walk the walk. I have seen the difference therapy can make in my own life and in the life of many clients. I trust you will take from here whatever you find useful and make choices which will work for you.
I look forward to hearing from you. Please get in touch, either for appointments or for clarification.
Here’s to Life!
Kurt H Hampel